Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Our culture must be the most depressed culture in history. I come to this conclusion because it seems that everyone is profoundly preoccupied with suppressing their emotions- with drinking, with drugs, with sexual exploits. And our diversions are not entirely confined to the vices typically associated with hedonism. Christianity is also a diversion. The spiritual adherents often seek religious bliss- a sort of ecstasy that they attribute to experiences with the supernatural. We are all so out of touch with our emotions. Why is this? Why do we try so hard to feel so little? It seems quite detrimental to the soul. Perhaps I'm just speaking to myself. But when I see the preoccupations of those around me, I must ask myself why said activities are meaningful. How do activities like drinking and dancing and social conventions and video games and sports and television touch the soul. If they do, should they? Should we alter our souls' bents? Or should we pursue what we deem as meaningful simply by the virtue that they're meaningful to us?

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